2023-08-25 10:28

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New Resource For CWU Union Safety Reps Introduced By Unionsafety

Beginning January 2020, the Unionsafety website will provide a listing of all CWU Letters to Branches issued by CWU HQ dealing with Health, Safety and the Environment, for download from our Consitituency Based Resources page accessable via the main menu on the home page.

Within that page will be links to both constituency (Postal and T&FS) dedicated pages, where you will find other resources and the LTB listings currently issued by CWU HQ available for download, including any associated attachments issued as part of the original LTB, in a single PDF format file.

Unionsafety aims to continue to be a portal of news, information and reference material in supporting not only CWU Union Safety Reps, but also to the wider Trade Union Movement via the sharing of news, information and resources.

All comments and feedback are welcome and can be emailed to the Web Editor here


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